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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Spirit Stone

Spirit Stone
Total Price: 700 | Recipe Price: 15 | Sell Price: 560

LoL Item: Spirit Stone

UNIQUE Passive: Returns 6% of damage dealt to monsters as Health and 3% of damage dealt to monsters as Mana.
UNIQUE Passive: Butcher - Damage dealt to monsters increased by 20%.

UNIQUE Passive: Returns 6% of damage dealt to monsters as Health and 3% of damage dealt to monsters as Mana.
UNIQUE Passive: Butcher - Damage dealt to monsters increased by 20%.

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Arenor (8) | July 5, 2013 9:42am
Absolutely not! The passives are UNIQUE and don't stack on each other. Getting all three would increase your damage versus monsters as much as one would.
Mop Head | May 12, 2013 6:02am
So if I get all of the spirit ston's upgrades will it be good? Like getting Spirit of the ancient golem then elder lizard then spectral wraith is it worth getting? Most of all on a mana using jungler
Dante9934 | December 6, 2012 12:06pm
Nice way to put it ZZsharp
ZZsharp (1) | December 6, 2012 10:11am
a junglers philosopher stone
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