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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Will of the Ancients

Will of the Ancients
Total Price: 2300 | Recipe Price: 300 | Sell Price: 1610

LoL Item: Will of the Ancients
  • 10 Ability Haste
  • 80 Ability Power

UNIQUE Passive: Your abilities heal you for 15% of the damage dealt, calculated before your opponent's resistances. (33% effect for AoE)
  • 10 Ability Haste
  • 80 Ability Power

UNIQUE Passive: Your abilities heal you for 15% of the damage dealt, calculated before your opponent's resistances. (33% effect for AoE)

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Wax469 (2) | May 27, 2016 3:07pm
Rest in peace great item, vlad and akali will remember you
TheSilverDust (45) | May 27, 2016 3:30pm
I can understand if it's Cassiopeia instead of Akali.
Janitsu (569) | May 27, 2016 3:32pm
I can't understand that either
Janitsu (569) | May 27, 2016 3:19pm
Akali won't
nuwanda1706 | July 14, 2013 3:13am
Kage's Lucky Pick's passive (lucky shadow) still valid for this item ?
Vikingfjord | January 18, 2013 5:04am
I love the New update making it from kage's luck. Maks it alot easier for supports to fit this Great item into their build, or allowing ap carriers a Decent gp/5 while building it.
anagram | August 23, 2012 8:02pm
PsiGuard wrote:

^This is correct. You can only double up on the aura if you have the item in your inventory. Buying two of the item won't work either, it has to be in the hands of you and an ally. Anyone without the item will only receive 1 aura.

Learned something new. Cool B)
bioshock (1) | April 2, 2012 10:10am
1 note if someone doesn't know it: on AOE skill you wil receive only 1/3 of spellwamp for each enemy hit. For example on AOE skill Will of the Ancient will give u 6.6% Spellwamp on each enemy hit.
P.S: I wonder if this is up to date?)
JekeTeMata (5) | January 24, 2012 2:59pm
Wow i didnt know about the stacking, anyone knows about the range too?
PsiGuard (1495) | December 22, 2011 1:27pm

As I understand it, it works like this.

3 Players A, B, and C.

They all stand in a group. A & B have WotA, C does not. A receives the aura from himself and his teammate. B receives the aura from himself and his teammate. C receives the aura from ONE of his teammates. You can only receive the aura twice if you have the item.

That goes for all Unique Auras.

^This is correct. You can only double up on the aura if you have the item in your inventory. Buying two of the item won't work either, it has to be in the hands of you and an ally. Anyone without the item will only receive 1 aura.
Drain (5) | December 22, 2011 1:22pm
I don't know how it stacks for people that DONT have the book, but if I have the book, and another has the book, I do know that I get double the aura; meaning 110ap with 50% spell vamp.

As far as I know, auras stack twice whether you have the item or not, but no more. That's what I've been told, anyway. I can't check myself because as I've said, I've never seen a game where 3+ people all have an Aegis, Scepter, Ancients, etc, to find out. But since that never happens... it doesn't really matter if they stacked past 2 or not.
MultifariousEntity (3) | October 27, 2011 4:11am
As I understand it, it works like this.

3 Players A, B, and C.

They all stand in a group. A & B have WotA, C does not. A receives the aura from himself and his teammate. B receives the aura from himself and his teammate. C receives the aura from ONE of his teammates. You can only receive the aura twice if you have the item.

That goes for all Unique Auras.
Winley | October 22, 2011 2:27am
I was once, a few patches ago, told that this aura stacks twice per team...
for example;
if 2 or more people on the team each had one.

Is this true still? ^
mastajdog (77) | August 17, 2011 12:56pm
80 now, but still correct.
Searz (444) | April 14, 2011 12:56pm
Yes, you get 70AP from it.
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