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Home // News // League of Legends Patch 13.4 Summary

League of Legends Patch 13.4 Summary

Patch 13.4 is here with various champion changes, item updates, new skins and much more that we'll go through in this quick article!

The patch features changes ranging from updates to champions and items to jungle and ARAM adjustments. Champions like Ahri and Riven have been buffed, and on the other side champions such as Anivia and Jax have received nerfs. Patch 13.4 also introduces changes towards Demonic Embrace and Doran's Shield along with the starter support items. Updates have also been done to Magical Footwear and Treasure Hunter as they've been quite the strong picks as of recently.

Along with all of the above, there have also been some changes arriving to the jungle, touching upon the clear speed and kill experience along with ARAM balancing to get death timers to be more in line with the recent map changes that arrived to ARAM. Lastly, this patch will also introduce the new party chat and include changes covering other sections of the game.

Have you been enjoying Space recently? A new slew of Astronaut skins are now available! Add Astronaut Fizz, Astronaut Ivern, Astronaut Kennen, Astronaut Singed or Astronaut Xerath to your collection! Or, if you're a connoisseur, then you can snag them all!

Summary Infographic created by Riot

Upcoming Skins

Astronaut Kennen (1350 RP)
Astronaut Fizz (1350 RP)

Astronaut Ivern (1350 RP)

Astronaut Singed (1350 RP)

Astronaut Xerath (1350 RP)

Upcoming Chromas

Astronaut Fizz

Astronaut Ivern

Astronaut Kennen

Astronaut Singed

Astronaut Xerath

That's Everything!

This was our summary of the 13.4 changes, good luck in the new patch!

League of Legends Champions:

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