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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Top laners?

Posted in Champions 3,468

  • Shinto

    Top laners?

    Alright, so I just recently started playing ranked again after turning away for a while. I stopped because support was the only role I could play well, and that obviously wasn't always there. Now, I'm pretty confident in all lanes with one exception, top. Now, I do have one champion that I can play fairly well in top and that's Nasus. Now he wouldn't always be available, either by bans or 'Are you really taking nasus against him?' champs. What would be a good top laner for me, if i like his methodical, slow pace that's good against his weak match ups? I have all champions, so all possibilities are open.
  • Answers (6)

    MossyCub | August 17, 2015 1:15pm
    Gnar... Tanky + Peel . Perfect for top tanks and is able to win games entirley by his ultimate. He has some bad parts like you need to practice alot alot with him , cause if you wont you will fail. At the start I had bad games , but I started practicing him alot (all top laners that I had , Shen , AD Bruiser Fizz , jax alot) and I got the hang of it :)
    Check him out
    OTGBionicArm (415) | August 16, 2015 10:37pm
    Irelia. She pretty much does the same shiz for like 6 levels (Farm, and don't really go ham on people), then she suddenly backs, buys a sheen and proceeds to bend you over. She also has no real poor match ups in the top lane, only a slightly weaker early game until that sheen is acquired.
    TheAsawasasa (1) | August 21, 2015 10:13pm
    I would also suggest Irelia. Even a not-so-good Irelia may go well in most cases. In a way, she counters most of the champions and is countered by virtually none (over generalizing, obviously, but you get the point). She needs a little bit of getting used to, since you need to learn how to initiate with her q, when to use e, how to time abilities in order to get the most of Sheen (like spacing your R casts with an AA), etc. However, a great champion overall.
    Shinto | August 17, 2015 10:15am
    Hmm, think I'm gonna give Irelia and Naut a try. Irelia does seem like she'd be up my ally, and I already play Naut support, so it really shouldn't be hard to bring him top. Thanks for the idea's you two.
    D3monicron | August 23, 2015 6:41am
    To me i personally like Gnar, Nautilaus and Malphite top lane

    These 3 champions have 3 things in common
    1. they have extreme lock down potential, ie. Gnar e + r combo, Nautilaus almost all spells except shield and malphite r and if your laning against a bruiser your e could really hurt them A LOT

    2. really tanky champs and be viable even when you are behind with the extreme lock down potential

    3. not really that difficult to learn although gnar's combos and power spikes can be hard to learn it will only take like 2 or 3 normal games and you're good to go

    Hope i helped
    Jasperion | August 19, 2015 7:12am
    If you are looking for tanks I will recommend Shen, Maokai, Malphite or even Nautilus. They have a lot of utility and a reasonable damage.

    But I really like the bruisers/splitpushers who can build Trinity+Bork+Tank and become quite dangerous for the enemy team, so Jax, Irelia and Fizz are my favorites top laners actually.

    Gnar is an excellent choice too.
    RottedApples (57) | August 16, 2015 11:37pm
    do you want straight tank champs? nasus can do a lot of damage with his Q which is why I ask. Since a straight tank wouldn't have that tons of damage spell.

    Moakai has been hanging around in top for a while. Shen/nautilus are now a thing (as top and support) Some people play sion. These are all champions that don't really need a good matchup to be relevant tanks.

    ad bruiser/cdr tank fizz seems to have no real weakness, but i don't know enough about it to say anything one way or the other.

    And like otg mentioned, irelia is pretty broken.

    I'm personally into vladimir but he may or may not be your style since he is still a mage, even if he wants to try to hang out in the middle of the fight at times.
    flareblast17999 | August 18, 2015 3:46pm
    tryndamere is kind of tanky with amazing sustain and it works like this famr till you hit 3 then get a full fury bar then let them push a little once the are in the middle part of the lane you press e then they turn and you hit w then you auto them until they die simple really
    flareblast17999 | July 10, 2016 10:40pm
    this was a fairly unedcuated comment trynd is still amazing tho
    Re4XN (59) | August 21, 2015 4:57am
    Tryndamere is not a tank. He is actually pretty squishy and requires some knowledge to play
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