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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Having trouble finding my main role/champ


  • XxXeLdErDrAgOnXxX

    Having trouble finding my main role/champ

    I have trouble finding my main role/champ.What can I do to solve that?The problem is that I like top,mid,jg the same.Also I can't find my main champ,but I think this will be easy to find since right now I don't have a main role.Plz help.I got bored changing role every week.
  • Answers (4)

    Ekki (86) | August 5, 2016 10:27pm
    You should probably trim down on playstyle, not role. Do you like going in and don't care about dealing too much damage? Try tanks. Like going in to deal damage? Try a fighter (diver/skirmisher). Do you like assassinating squishies? Try an assassin. Do you hate yourself? Try support/adc. Etc.
    Ekki (86) | August 6, 2016 12:42pm
    To add up to what Embracing said: It's true that you don't NEED to have a fixed role/champ. It's also true that it's better to focus on maining one champion and having a small set of secondary picks. And IMO those secondary picks should cover other roles and you should know how to play your main in other roles if it has the chance to play other roles.

    My recommendation is only a way to have a better organised exploration of all champions so that you have an easier time finding your main. Chances are you like one role more than the others. I'll add links to Riot's Classes/Subclasses of champions:
    - Copied and organized by the lol wiki
    - Original dev blog
    Notice that the examples refer to the base kit of the champion, not their most optimal build, and they may change places if Riot's view of their role changes during reworks. So for example, Fizz is an assassin, but he can be played as a diver if built tank with Trinity Force, and Poppy used to be a diver, but was reworked into a Tank/Warden. There are also a bunch of "outliers" classified at the beggining of the dev blog (Hybrid roles and Unique playstyles), that's why I linked it even if the wiki article is better organised.
    XxXeLdErDrAgOnXxX | August 6, 2016 1:25am
    Bot is getting nerfed very hard,even the turrets got nerfed
    Ekki (86) | August 6, 2016 12:48am
    Since 4-man ganks in bot are a regular thing it has turned into the clown fiesta lane. And don't get me started on the Quicksilver Sash nerf.

    I'm currently maining adc tho
    TheSilverDust (45) | August 6, 2016 12:07am
    "Do you hate yourself? Try support/adc."

    PyroMissile | August 7, 2016 7:30pm
    Look back at some of your replays. Watch your behavior. Do you have a tendency to do the following in a game:

    -Go off on your own and split push (1)
    -Dive right into the middle of a team fight to lock down people with CC (2A)
    -Dive right into the middle of a team fight to burst a carry (2B)
    -Try to peel for your teammates (3)
    -Tell everyone what to do in all-chat (4)

    These all suggest different lanes/champion profiles. Here are some notes for each and a suggestion or two for each category.
    (1) You want champions (often top-laners) who scale well and tear down towers with items. Personal favorite: Jax
    (2A) You want a champion who is quite tanky and has a lot of CC in his/her kit. Personal favorite: Gnar
    (2B) Assassins are everywhere and have amazing burst. This is the play style I use most. I am a Nocturne main but also play a lot of Akali and Rengar
    (3) This category overlaps with 2A a bit but this probably means you're playing Support. Alistar is my favorite meta support, but other beefy tanks can be fine.
    (4) You probably want to be a junglier since this is the position that requires the most macro game knowledge and map awareness. Amumu and Yi have low skill floors but if you're feeling adventurous you can try Nocturne :)

    Good luck
    XxXeLdErDrAgOnXxX | August 9, 2016 4:29am
    Well,I like telling people what to do,but I also like to deal an insane amount of damage in the teamfights or in the laning phase.I like some champs because I have fun of playing them but the problem is that they don't connect toghether.Can you help me please?

    My favourite roles: Mid lane,Support,Jungle

    My favourite champs: Vayne,Bard,Thresh,Akali,Ekko,Yasuo,Rengar,Jhin
    flareblast17999 | August 6, 2016 10:21pm
    you dont need a main role or champion but i main jungle and the way i found that i liked jungleing was just by spamming jungle with a bunch of different junglers

    so my advice is pick a roe then spam normal's changing a champion every game until you find one you like

    kinda hard to do if you dont own all the champions however
    Embracing (353) | August 5, 2016 11:10pm
    Depending on your goal in the game you don't need to have a fixed role / champ. If you want to improve the quickest then you simply just have to man up and limit yourself to playing 1 or 2 specific champions. Others can't help you with that process - it's a matter of self-control.
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