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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Junglers in low elo

Posted in Champions 6,858

  • Rekt by Goku

    Junglers in low elo

    I'm main jungle in silver. I'd like to play some new champs, my main was rengar b4 the rework but after the rework I dont have fun anymore. So can you give me some advices for junglers in low elo that can carry games or make ppl carry games?
  • Answers (6)

    The Sethoridian | April 1, 2017 12:59am
    Graves, Vi, Kha' Zix and Xin Zhao are all good low elo junglers that can snowball quite effectively and have smooth gapclosers and high damage output.
    KAYLUM | March 25, 2017 5:14pm
    Nunu is a good pick in jungle, good sustain, fast clear, natural tank and a good teamfight presence because of his W and R. Your team will surely like your engage even you are newbie you will be a good help to your teammate.
    MrPupolinaz | March 23, 2017 5:56am
    Graves is insane to be honest he has high lifesteal good clear speed etc although he lacks cc hes very strong early and nearly unkillable late i reccomend u trying him.
    utopus (313) | March 21, 2017 6:29pm
    I recommend trying out Lee Sin. He has a strong early game powerspike that is good for snowballing games. Additionally, with two gap closers, 1 displacement effect and no mana, you'll find that the sky is the limit in terms of possibilities. There are so many things you can do with the champion that you will never find yourself unable to get out of silver due to this champion's skill ceiling.
    VexRoth (78) | March 21, 2017 8:29am
    This might sound trite, but you can carry with pretty much anything in Silver if you know where you need to be. People recommend simple champions so you can worry less about farming and more about where you need to be on the map. I finally got out of Silver using Shyvana, who doesn't have that great win rate at the moment, but she works for my play style and current understanding of how to play the game. Oddly enough I struggle on Amumu who is supposed to be an easy champion even though I've seen other people play him quite effectively in both tank and AP Grenade Amumu versions (I seem to always manage to toggle Despair off at the worst times).

    Xin Zhao is also pretty good at the moment and is very simple except he has a way in but not out of fights so you really have to know what he is capable of doing or you will quickly bite off more than you can chew. Master Yi is kind of the same way. Easy on paper, but harder to play at a really high level especially since he lacks any crowd control in his kit.

    Moral of the story. Play one champion for at least 20 games. Focus on farming as efficiently as possible while keeping an eye on the mini-map and using that "free" time to think about where the enemy jungler is likely to be and where you need to be (as an example: could be counterganking if you think you win the 2v2 or might be counterjungling if you lose the 2v2).

    After 20 games look at your win rate and ask yourself if you enjoy playing that champion. If you have a decent win rate (51%+ because that will allow you to climb, albeit slowly) and you enjoy playing that champion, then you've found something that works for you.

    Ekki's champion suggestions makes sense, though I feel like Warwick is much harder to play well after the rework. Missing with his ultimate is kind of a big deal. But he does have good sustain. I'd probably also add in Vi as she is pretty good at dealing with slippery champions like Zed and Katarina because of her ultimate. The main trick with her outside of hitting Qs is using her auto attack resets properly to clear quickly. There is a high level jungler called Super Metroid that has some vids on how to play her.
    Ekki (86) | March 21, 2017 4:03am
    Warwick and Xin Zhao are quite strong right now and pretty easy to use. Amumu is probably great too, he's always been great in low elos.

    You should probably ask in this thread too.
    Rekt by Goku | March 21, 2017 6:10am
    Thanks a lot ^^
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