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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Accoutn banned beguse it got hacked

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    Accoutn banned beguse it got hacked

    my account got banned beguse i got hacked , how is this fair ? been playing from 2015 and have bought 2500 worth of content , is there like anything i could do ? NeverlastingDTH
    Yesterday at 15:53
    Hey there,

    Apologies for the very late response. : (
    Unfortunately, I'll have to bring you some bad news. :( This account has been permanently suspended due to the extent to which it has been compromised. Accounts that have been highly-compromised pose a risk for other players thus are at risk for suspension. All players are responsible for the security of their accounts.

    The last time we spoke, I recovered this account to you and I informed you that it was going to be the last time we are able to provide this service for you.

    I can assure you we have thoroughly investigated this account and sadly, we will not be able to reverse our decision. I understand this was not the answer you were expecting but I hope you can understand the reasoning behind it.

    Have a great day !
    Best Regards,
    Ruined NeverlastingDTH - Player Support Specialist

    Yesterday at 19:52
    I can imagine that it's not pleasant news. : (
    The reason we have this stance in such cases is because an account comes into contact with a lot of other accounts over the time. If this account is often compromised or is compromised for long periods of time, then it puts all the other accounts it comes in contact with it at risk as well.
    For this reason, in such cases permanently suspending the account is the only solution we have.

    I understand that this is painful for you, but I'm afraid that the account will remain suspended, and the content and amount spent will remain on the account, as a reminder that account security is extremely important.

    Rest assured that you're not the only player who finds himself in this situation. However, the vast majority of players will never get this ban because they are keeping their accounts safe and thus pose no risk to the community.

    Again, I informed you in your previous ticket that it was going to be the last time we can recover the account. So, as you asked how is this fair ? I believe we were fair in giving you a heads up. We even kept the account banned while you were asked to secure your PC. All of this was done in order to help you keep your account safe.
    I hope you understand that we've done all we could in order to avoid this.
    Best Regards,
    Ruined NeverlastingDTH - Player Support Specialist

    Today at 14:48
    Hello again,

    I have provided all the information that we can provide about such bans. Please bear in mind that these bans are not negotiable.
    Again, a thorough investigation was made before reaching the decision to ban the account.

    I understand that you don't agree with the ban, however bear in mind that this is not a reversible action and it's not open for debate.
    Given the account was already permanently suspended, the only thing we can do for you is provide context regarding the reason for the suspension, which I have done in this ticket.

    Since this matter has been explained in full, we consider it closed and thus further inquiries or unban requests will be left unaddressed and the ticket closed without a reply.
    If you however need help with something else, let us know and we'll gladly look into it.

    Take care !
    Best Regards,
    Ruined NeverlastingDTH - Player Support Specialist
  • Answers (1)

    irelia support | January 25, 2022 6:41am
    I don't exactly know what you're trying to ask here, how is it fair your account got banned I guess? Well think about it if you're hacked once you can be viewed as an easy target for it to happen again. If you're a root for hackers to get into the game and violate community terms I see it as reasonable for them to ban your account, next time try using a VPN to keep your credentials safe, a strong password that you don't use anywhere else that somebody could also get into i.e. email, antivirus because there are certain viruses that can steal your information. It happened to me through a virus years ago cause I was using a lag switch that came with one.
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