League of Legends (LoL) Question: AD Marks on AP champions?
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AD Marks on AP champions?
Hey guys. As a mostly AD focused player, I've always had a hard time doing well with mages and AP champions in general. My biggest flaw in the game in general is farming, and this is further exacerbated by being an AP champion.
I've been attempting to add
Viktor back into my roster as well as learning
Rumble, and have had some success in improving my overall game greatly by using AD marks (and in the case of rumble, also the AD masteries alongside the AP ones).
I've heard somewhere that while pen marks may be theoretically better, and giving you more damage against champions in most situations, if you'll be missing creeps by using those runes, AD is always more worth.
So my question(s) are as follows;
1. Do you agree with the above statement?
2. Does anyone else do this? If so, with whom? Has it improved your play as well?
3. Is this a strategy that can continue working in higher elos beyond gold?
I've been attempting to add

I've heard somewhere that while pen marks may be theoretically better, and giving you more damage against champions in most situations, if you'll be missing creeps by using those runes, AD is always more worth.
So my question(s) are as follows;
1. Do you agree with the above statement?
2. Does anyone else do this? If so, with whom? Has it improved your play as well?
3. Is this a strategy that can continue working in higher elos beyond gold?
However, I think with a lot of champs, it's actually mostly a matter of practice. Rumble's AA animation is absolutely horrid, so I don't think the marks will make your cs'ing that much better, whereas Victor has a pretty decent AA animation and his post-upgrade waveclear is good. I think these marks are extremely situational for mages, and only a few can truly benefit from them fully.
Well, I don't think it's majorly offensive to have AD quints (1 or 2) on Vic, since you can use them to trade with Q and cs, although I'd definitely maintain the hybrid pen (or full mpen) marks.
2) I don't do so myself on anyone.
3) Yes because games aren't lost on such small differences. However, the fact that you NEED to use that kind of strategy does mean you don't have the skill to achieve plat/diamond yet.
I play support only too but when I play lulu mid/top I can at least stay even in CS without using any like that.
I played Swain a lot S2/S3. Haven't played him much recently but.. yeah. Trying to cs sucks. Just takes practice. The part where you will notice the difference the most is probably under turret, trying to cs.
Get use to how much dmg the turret does to the minions.. For example, a melee takes 3 turret hits to kill, but typically 2 turret and an AA will give u the cs. Caster minions take 2 shots, but 1 turret shot + 2 AAs will give u the cs.
With that, while the turret is firing those 2 shots at the melees, prep the casters by firing 1 AA at each (pause to last hit the melee minions). This way, instead of fighting with the turret, you're letting it do the heavy-lifting for you. With this you have to prepare a bit more but you'll get most/all the cs.
Edit: I just realized the OP didn't mention Swain. ^ still applies to other casters.