League of Legends (LoL) Question: AP Mid-Lane. Halp?
Posted in Champions | Tags: Kassadin Katarina Yasuo 8,677
AP Mid-Lane. Halp?
Right. What's the deal with AP champions mid-laning? Im not especially experienced (Level 16, currently) and i'm a terrible mid-laner at the best of times. Been practising recently to try and get a more rounded game as I level up further, but i just can't get my head round AP champions primarily and then the midlane in general. (even with the likes of Yasuo, i still suck hard.) Can someone either offer some advice, or point me towards a guide or someone who can? Cheers.
AP mid commonly have a high burst potential, them being mid makes it easier to roam up or down.
Also the strenght of an ap carry comes from levels, therefore they are prefered to stand alone in lane.
So if you want to pick up AP mid, pick a champion on which you feel confortable (try different ones when you can). make sure you ward properly as mid is easy to gank when pushed up to much.
In time you get to know the champ you like more and more and it will become easier.
Hope this helped you a bit!
Just be warned. she is one of the most difficult champions in the game and it my take several games to get used to her, or you may never get used to her.
Cheers for answering. I've tried a few AP champions in that lane. Kassadin, Katarina, Heimerdinger, Karthus and the like. Do you have a particular suggestion as to a good champion to use? Even when i use AD champs im used to and good at in other situations (Namely: Wukong, Yasuo) I still struggle with that lane somewhat, but it's worse with AP guys, for some reason i just struggle. As i say, if you could maybe suggest a couple of champions i should try i'd appreciate that.
Cheers again!
If you want to practice in the lane, the safest choice would be an AP mage with a reliable escape. I don't play assassins, so maybe other people have suggestions.
Junglers and assassins are pretty reliant on their out-of-game stats lol The former for surviving, the latter for snowballing early.
If you wanna try a good champ and really safe, just try Morgana, she is easy to play, not like LeBlanc and you will win your lane more that you will loose
Other champ you can go it's Ahri
Morgana, Ziggs looks pretty strong atm.
sorry for the bad inglish
She is incredibly tough though. Morgana or someone like her would probably be better. Swain is pretty strong as well though
- Why AP champs usually go to middle lane? Mid lane is the shortest, and AP champs are squishy and have no escape. So when the jungler comes, you need to run fast. Also, AP champs rely on their ultimate. Basically, they get a lot of duel power when they hit lvl 6. And AP champs need items (you can't get AP without items, runes or masteries) so they need gold. That's why they are solo laners and go mid and not top.
- Why AD assassins go mid? Assassins need a squishy target to succed. Also, they have a lot of mobility, giving a hard time to AP champs due to the difficult of landing a skillshot. So basically, they go mid to get feed.
What are the basic concepts of the mid laner? You need to know a few things. Last hittin is really important, and avoid dying. Only go for a kill if your enemy is in a bad position or if your jungler is coming, don't go all in if not cause the enemy jungler can kill you then. Also a mid laner needs to roam a lot, in order to help other lines and get a few kills and assists. Play defensive against assassins and if you can play offensive and zone your enemy if you see that you are outplaying them, but never go to far for a kill (a kill and 15 cs are the same amount of gold)
Any questions, just ask =)
i think i could help you with yasuo a little. you have to know his build and how to play him. if you get that, then maybe u can get good with Yasuo. and otherwise try anouter champion
Thanks for the reply. It's not so much the champion, with Yasuo as the lane, for me. I'm terrible mid-lane in general :) i was more looking for general advice on midlaning, with a slant towards AP-based champions, because it's there that i struggle the most.
Again, thanks for the reply though :D