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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Best 3v3 Character ?

Posted in Champions 3,689

  • StudioVX4

    Best 3v3 Character ?

    Who is the best 3v3 character right now ?
  • Answers (1)

    qasddsa (24) | August 13, 2018 7:35am
    If your team has a jungler:

    The strongest champions to play top are mainly bruisers/duelists:
    Garen, Darius, Jax, Volibear, Poppy, and Kayle.

    While if you're looking to play a waveclear bot laner, you should be looking mainly at mages with a few exceptions:
    Brand, Anivia, Orianna, Vel'Koz, and Kayle

    If you want to jungle:
    Volibear, Poppy, Kayn, Skarner, and Trundle are probably the best.

    If your team is going support-smite carry:

    As usual, you want a waveclear bot with Brand Anivia Orianna or Vel'Koz

    For the support, good options are Taric, Lulu, Janna, and Leona.
    For the smite carry, you want to look at champions that can hard carry when they're ahead in items:
    Kayle, Xayah, Yasuo, and Jax to name a few.
    Biperspectival (6) | August 17, 2018 4:57am
    Don't forget Illaoi, who's insane on TT. Also, if they are foolish enough to take an all AD comp, go Malphite, and Galio into an AP comp. Huge tanks are quite strong on TT, since if you can itemize against an entire comp (purely build armor for example) you are very very very hard to kill since they only have 3 people.
    StudioVX4 | August 13, 2018 12:26pm
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