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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Can I disenchant a champion shard that says I own it already (the champion)

Posted in Items | Tags: Rek'Sai 4,316

  • BigSwoleTadpole

    Can I disenchant a champion shard that says I own it already (the champion)

    I have a champion shard for Rek'Sai, which I own, and which I crafted her from. Can I disenchant the shard, or will it get rid of Reksai from my playable champs?
  • Answers (1)

    Katasandra (101) | December 21, 2020 10:14pm
    If you already own the champion then you can safely disenchant the shard, it won't delete the champ from your collection :)

    In some cases you may want to keep it (if you want to upgrade mastery, eventually), but if you don't want to do so there's nothing you can do with it besides disenchanting.
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