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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Can u give me some tips for Rengar?

Posted in Champions | Tags: Rengar 5,635

  • Pekk4

    Can u give me some tips for Rengar?

    I started to play Rengar and i want to know some tips and tricks, so feel free to leave one in comments :)
  • Answers (2)

    Hemler | August 25, 2020 12:00pm
    Are you playing rengar top or jg?
    Tauricus2017 (120) | August 24, 2020 2:07am
    I myself don't know many but in this guide there is a very detailed section about pathing combos and jungle calculations.

    I could also lead you to this guide. It maybe doesn't talk about Rengar but the tracking section is super big brain and useful for all champions.

    You can also check out my guide as well. Scroll down into Jungle flowers section where I explained some hidden tricks you can do with jungle plants and some less orthodox usage of them.

    Gaht, how does it happen that no matter what I say I always end up promoting my own guide XDD
    Pekk4 | January 8, 2021 12:11am
    Thanks mate <3
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