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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Champion Pool on Jungle

Posted in Champions | Tags: Kindred Nidalee Rengar Shaco 302

  • SmoofBaby

    Champion Pool on Jungle

    So I want my Champion pool to be Kindred Shaco Nidalee and Rengar.
    I know these are some of the most difficult champs on jgl but I want to master them for real,
    Now the problem is I don’t know if this Pool has got everything covered like is the ad ap ratio good etc etc.
    I appreciate any help thank you guys in advance
  • Answers (1)

    Thehealthreviewss | October 4, 2024 2:29am
    A strong champion pool in the jungle role is key to success in competitive play. Jungle champions typically fall into different categories, including tanks, assassins, and fighters, each offering unique strengths. Champions like Amumu or Zac excel in crowd control and tanking, while Kha'Zix and Evelynn are strong assassins capable of high burst damage. Fighters like Lee Sin and Jarvan IV bring versatility with damage and mobility. A diverse jungle pool allows flexibility in team composition, ensuring you're prepared to adapt to various team needs and counter specific matchups effectively.
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