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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Created a guide/build but i can't see it in the list

Tags: Xin Zhao 3,682

  • MadRambo1

    Created a guide/build but i can't see it in the list

    Created a guide/build but i can't see it in the list.
    This is my first ever guide but its not showing, it should be in the Season 6 guides.

    [6.1] Winnin' Xinnin' Killin'
  • Answers (2)

    LevasK (108) | January 26, 2016 8:47am
    I can see it just fine, here:

    So, perhaps it's just a matter of time before it shows up in the lists...

    Edit: Your guide is simply too short to be considered a full guide, and thus it appears under Build-Only section :

    P.s. If you are wondering how to get your build to be considered a full guide, your guide must contain at least 5000 characters, coding stuff included.
    MadRambo1 | January 26, 2016 8:58am
    Ah ok, Thanks....first time doing it lol. Didnt want it too long as people dont read it all
    chicken sub | January 16, 2017 8:55am
    I can;'t find my guide..its my first time its a mini-guide :P but anw i can't find it..if anyone can help me please
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