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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Did The New Rengar Is REAL Good?

Tags: Rengar 3,694

  • Worgarou

    Did The New Rengar Is REAL Good?


    Did you know if the new Rengar is real good?
    If yes, give me some good builds on him please

    Thanks you,

  • Answers (2)

    AloeJenkins | November 21, 2016 4:12pm
    Is really Good, he still have The delete combo and is more stronger than after rework
    Worgarou | November 22, 2016 11:13am
    I am trying to find a build for the team fights phase :3
    GrandmasterD (531) | November 19, 2016 11:07am
    He seems good but not much different from old rengar I think. I don't know much about rengar so I leave it to the experts of MOBAFire, but I upvoted your question so others see it. Also, be sure to check out the amazing guides on the site, I am sure hardworking guide writers made one just for you :)

    I hope you find the answers to your questions!! :)
    Worgarou | November 22, 2016 11:12am
    Yeah thanks you bro :)
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