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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Difficult champions

Posted in Champions 7,897

  • XxXeLdErDrAgOnXxX

    Difficult champions

    Hi!I recently decided to master a champion that he is very difficult but if you know how to play him you can destroy the enemy.So,this champ I want to have:

    -Outplay potential
    -High skill cap
    -Midlaner,Jungler or Toplaner

    If somebody can help me,comment below with the champs that I could use

    Thanks for your time and sorry for my bad writing
  • Answers (4)

    FalseoGod (316) | May 12, 2016 9:52am
    Jungle: Lee Sin has a million options to his kit, Gragas also allows you to do billions of things with E and ult, such as animation/channel cancels and can be played in billions of ways.

    Mid: Syndra can be very one dimensional or really interesting if you use her kit properly, same with LeBlanc and Fizz (albeit in different ways, mostly how you use their mobility), Azir is also very complex to use at his maximum potential.

    Top: Although I don't find her THAT complex, Riven teaches a lot about animation cancel.
    FalseoGod (316) | May 12, 2016 8:16pm
    If you go for any of these champs, I seriously recommend you look for videos and tips on how to use them to their maximum extent, otherwise you'll be mostly doing one dimensional stuff you could do with many other champs.
    XxXeLdErDrAgOnXxX | May 12, 2016 10:24am
    Thank you very much!
    Hopesedge (8) | May 14, 2016 2:47am
    Mid: Ahri, Akali, Azir (Azir is the hardest but most rewarding by far), Fizz (he can be played quite well without any skill, but to play him perfectly is very powerful and scary), Yasuo, Orianna, Syndra, Twisted Fate, Viktor, Xerath, Zed, Lissandra.

    Out of these I'd say Azir is the hardest, then Syndra, followed by Lissandra, and perhaps Akali following thereafter, the others can be hard but can also be picked up quite easily.

    Jungle: Lee Sin, Ekko, Kindred, Rek'Sai, Wukong, Shaco & Gragas.

    Out of these Lee Sin has the highest skill cap, followed by Kindred, Shaco, Ekko and the rest. For carry potential Shaco is amazing for split pushing, Kindred has great burst, Lee Sin has great playmaking capabilities and Ekko has incredible durability in fights (and high damage / mobility!)

    Top: Gnar, Illaoi, Rumble, Vladimir. Gangplank & Vayne.

    "Vayne, what are you thinking?!", Tanks are all the rage right now and a bruiser Vayne will mop them up, she has a high skill cap due to her low cooldowns, mobility and displacement effect. Gnar is Gnar, you have to use his passive effectively to dominate whilst managing all his abilities, Illaoi requires you to fight near tentacles but once you get in the middle of a fight and ult, no one will stop you. Rumble is a very unique champion, his power lies in heat management and separates good players from bad players quite easily. Vladamir again is similar to Gnar and Rumble in that you need to manage your resources to be most effective, he can become quite the raid boss later on in the game. Gangplank is really powerful especially when you usilize his full kit, he's hard to gank and does incredible damage. Vayne kills tanks and dodges a lot, need I say more?

    Bot/Support/ADC: Annie, Brand, Blitzcrank, Ezreal, Lucian, Twitch.

    These vary a lot based on the enemy team and as such aren't always useful, but Annie is a beast when played correctly and can dominate games by herself.

    Good luck, be sure to try a variety to master though since you could have your champion get banned leaving you in a sticky situation.
    XxXeLdErDrAgOnXxX | May 14, 2016 4:13am
    I really liked your list,but I think that Rengar is the best!Thank you very much for the list and for the tip.
    BlueMoon01 (12) | May 13, 2016 4:28am
    Top : Rumble / Riven / Gnar
    Mid : Azir / Aurelion Sol / Syndra / Zed / Yasuo
    Jungler : Elise / Lee Sin / Shaco / Rengar

    Rumble and Gnar teaches you how to properly maintain your gauge / timing before initiating
    Azir, Zed, Yasuo has some serious outplay potential and fishes honourable opponents
    Elise and Rengar can be very easily used to climb if u abuse their power / mastering them

    Hope this helps tho.
    XxXeLdErDrAgOnXxX | May 14, 2016 4:09am
    I just recently played a little Rengar and and I loved him,I also watch Nightblue3 so this can help me in the beginning.Thank you!
    TheSilverDust (45) | May 12, 2016 7:43am
    All that I can think are the following: Fiora, Yasuo, Riven, Lee Sin, and LeBlanc and if you like to try some ADC, play Vayne. They all have the outplay potential (IDK about Lee Sin, he can steamroll if he gets ahead a little early game). You may struggle during those few first games as them, but you'll get the hang of it once you play them more.

    And I don't mind the bad writing, I do mind your name though.

    Be wary of Vapora Dark. He's a grammar nazi.
    XxXeLdErDrAgOnXxX | May 12, 2016 7:59am
    Thanks mate,but I am waiting for more answers and then take the decision.Rly thanks!
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