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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Does Morde's ult stop Zileans Revive?

Posted in Champions | Tags: Mordekaiser Zilean 7,380

  • Showda

    Does Morde's ult stop Zileans Revive?

    Alright, so i was just in a game of ARAM, and i was trying to taunt their morde to dive me. My ult was up, i saw the hourglasses rotate around me, but he ulted me and i still died. So my question is, does mordekaisers ult stop mine because of the ghost, or what?
  • Answers (1)

    drakon136 (56) | February 15, 2014 12:05pm
    No, it does not. Mordekaiser's ult should only go off if you actually die, and since you are protected by Zilean's ult, you are not killed.
    Showda (2) | February 15, 2014 12:33pm
    Hmm remember it having just gone off but whatever, must have been a lag spike or something that made it seem otherwise, thanks for the info.
    PsiGuard (1495) | February 15, 2014 12:15pm
    Your ult probably just expired before you died.
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