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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Guide template service?


  • AD main game

    Guide template service?

    Hi all,

    I apologize if this is against the rules. I just could not find any information on it. I want to start making guides here, but I find the coding in particular hard to understand. I found the "how to's", but the deeper I dove I realized how intense it is. Do people offer custom templates for a fee? Obviously I am fine paying for good work.

    I would have the guide content and "how to" I just need help formatting and framing up the content.
  • Answers (2)

    Silverman43 (85) | January 12, 2021 3:26am
    Hey there, if you are searching for templates of code, I highly recommend checking out Katasandra's table coding guide and JhoiJhoi's Guide to making a guide as both include quite a lot of great templates.

    Also many authors are always open to helping others with coding. You can ask around in the Q&A, DM a specific author or maybe ask in our discord if you want answers fast.
    AD main game | January 12, 2021 8:11am
    Thank you so much for your help.
    SaltCat (19) | January 11, 2021 9:52pm
    Well i would like to help, if i like the content and how and what you want, just message me if you are interest.
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