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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Help decide on a champ to main (top/mid)

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  • Urtikor

    Help decide on a champ to main (top/mid)


    I'm looking for a top or mid champion to main and want some advice on what should I pick.

    Basically what I'm looking for is:


    Ability to snowball very hard if ahead and scale until atleast early lategame, i.e. for me it's not hard to get like 8-2 on Pantheon, but even with that I feel that I fall of lategame.


    Least possible counterplay. I feel that some champs are easy to snowball and scale well, but if I'm matched against certain champions that counter me, I can't snowball and come out even or just a little ahead. I.e. Camille before some of the last nerfs hit scaled well, had good snowball potential because of ability to escape after engage, but if opponents picks Teemo or Jax I'm f**cked.


    Not extremely reliant on hard skillshots (like Jayce Q, Lux Q etc.) For me it seems champs like these only snowball if you land skillshots which will not happen all of the time. And if you miss and are OOM, then early snowball potential gone.


    I have thought about learning multiple champs that counter each others counters so I could counterpick when I have first pick, but for me it seems more fun and maybe faster to just get really good with one champ.

    I've played a lot of Lux, Camille, Garen, Pantheon and so far it seems Garen is the best at carrying games even if all team is behind, because Pantheon doesn't scale, Camille got nerfed and has hard counters, Lux even if very ahead is not a champ that can 1v3 or 1v4 no matter how fed, because she's very squishy and has no escape, also not easy to snowball against good Yasuo, Fizz or Zed.

    I was thinking about maybe trying Riven, Darius, Katarina, Jax or Yasuo? Any advice what champ meets the criteria that I outlined the most?
  • Answers (11)

    Zetawolf (3) | September 9, 2017 6:40pm
    As many others have said Darius is great at top, but from what you're saying I don't think he's as obvious a choice as others have said.

    If you decide to start playing him exclusively, you're going to start to find that he gets banned in a significant number of games, which in turn means you're going to be playing sub-par for those games.

    My personal advice is to never focus too much with any champ, because the better a champ is the more they get banned. If you can get good with a select 2-3 champs you will be a lot better off in the long run.
    Arcthunder (9) | September 4, 2017 12:29pm
    Personally, I recommend Kled or Wukong

    Kled can snowball extremely hard! With a few items, he can destroy squishies with his Violent Tendencies and still stay in the fight with his passive. Overall, he's a fun champion to play who also has small counterpick (he's actually my main, so feel free to ask any questions!)

    Wukong is a bit simpler that Kled, but still brings the same power he does. Also, he is one of the few champions who have full invisibility, which is a great asset to have. However, he does have a few more counterpicks than Kled, so be wary.

    They are both great picks. I would suggest Camille too, but her main combo requires a skillshot (and she has a lot of counterpicks too...) so...idk. Feel free to ask if you have any questions!
    Arcthunder (9) | September 4, 2017 5:27pm
    I hope you enjoy him! He's really strong right now, so I think it would be a great pick.
    I have actually made a guide for Kled, feel free to check out my profile if you want a bit more insight.
    Urtikor | September 4, 2017 4:37pm
    Yeah I've played Camille quite a bit, but after all the nerfs it's very hard to dominate lane and snowball, though if you do, it's the perfect champion.

    Will try out Kled. When I lane against him seems really strong.
    circubed (4) | September 3, 2017 9:47pm
    I recommend ekko. He is sort of hard to master, but he has a stun, slow, getaway, dash, and even a "teleport". Ekko can play top or mid. He isn't reliable on skillshots, he can snowball and deal lots of damage. He can also have low counterplay due to the dashes, stuns, slows.
    Urtikor | September 4, 2017 4:35pm
    Thanks, I always discarded Ekko because he seems such a difficult champ with the ult and all, but will definately take a look now.
    PsiGuard (1495) | September 1, 2017 6:53pm
    Darius sounds like your best option for top, though you could also give Jarvan IV or Kled a shot. Renekton is my favorite for that kind of champion, though you could argue he doesn't scale as well as others.

    For mid, I recommend trying Malzahar. He isn't terribly reliant on skillshots and he has a ton of safe or strong matchups. You could also try Vel'Koz, as he's similar to Lux but can dish out more damage to a full team. Vel'Koz, Malz and Lux happens to be my mid lane pool, haha.

    I wouldn't recommend Riven or Yasuo unless you're planning to one-trick them. They're very challenging champions that require a lot of practice to master.
    Urtikor | September 2, 2017 9:50am
    Thanks, will try out Darius first :)
    Ragingthunder9 | September 17, 2017 8:28am
    I'd personally say Renekton a good main.He can snowball hard and win 1vs2, 1vs3s .He is really strong in lane with the amount he can heal with his fury Q, he has a engage and disengage with his E and a easy stun with his W. As for counters, he doesn't have too many, just champions that poke ((like Jayce) but you don't have many top lane) or champions that can counter your engage such as Poppy and Jax. He can split push well with his fast wave clear and in team fights, ult, stun the ADC or Mid, Q and you'll find you have just taken down the enemy team and you are still on full health. He is also fun to play which is the most important thing.
    michaelrox5270 | September 10, 2017 5:22pm
    Hands down recommend talon. Really easy to snowball with, being an assassin, good with mid and top, His only skillshot is W and that's impossible to miss, and he's not that high skillcap. Roam potential is really good too.
    Levyathyn | September 8, 2017 6:11pm
    For mid, it sounds like you want Orianna. It's very hard to dominate or bully her in lane and there's a few different build/skill paths to take if you expect trouble. That said, getting ahead means hard damage and great teamfighting, synergy with pretty much any kind of comp imaginable, and useful extras most mid AP carries lack, such as free vision and scouting with your Q, and shields with armor + MR support for yourself or allies.

    When you get ahead, you'll start to hit like a truck, lose mana problems especially if you're good at conserving it, and you'll be able to affect other lanes with your potent swing capability, turning battles around forcefully. And even if you fall behind, you still have good range and zoning, a solid shield, and great teamfight AoE to contribute until you catch up.
    Scottsc (2) | September 8, 2017 8:20am
    I would recommend Darius for top, and Orianna for mid.
    Potato Power (4) | September 8, 2017 3:36am
    Xerath is only skillshots but its not hard to hit because it doesent have travel time, only lane counter what is kind of (you will feed) is katarina what is a 100% ban from me on ranked.

    Not many people can get to you only people with long jumps or 2 gap closers like (VI, J4, Nocturne...)
    lekevin (2) | September 7, 2017 11:00am
    yep try with poppy she doesnt really have counters and you can use her off tank ( like my guide one xd)
    Biperspectival (6) | September 7, 2017 7:17am
    Darius is a very good toplane champion, but he has the large weakness of getting banned a lot. Many people recognize his power, and will ban him away from you. So, if you want to be a one trick pony, dar is a bad choice. Veigar is an easy to play champion with insane snowball potential, and pretty easy skillshots (you basically rely on your opponents stupidity).

    You also might want to consider a tank like Malphite. He has basically no skillshots, can play very very well from behind. His main weakness is a weak laning phase, but you get used to it.
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