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League of Legends (LoL) Question: how do I fight targets without isolation?

Posted in Champions | Tags: Kha'Zix 238

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    how do I fight targets without isolation?

    How do i fight enemies who stick to the minions while fighting me or when i gank them, i cant burst them as easily and it feels as if they just kill me faster.
  • Answers (1)

    Georgiaava | September 25, 2024 3:12am
    The biggest thing is forcing cooldowns out of the enemy so that when your team engages they don't have them to use. Like if you are diving a bap ... There are many factors that contribute to depression. Isolation-induced depression is monkey type caused by a lack of social interaction. It is not isolation by conscious choice. It also requires an extended period of isolation, although how long this is depends on the individual and other factors.
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