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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Is Ao Shin on the way?

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    Is Ao Shin on the way?

    So, when Bard was first teased I saw an open night sky and clouds, which reminded me of a champion I had heard about from friends known as Ao Shin. He's a dragon/god/lightning thing that looked pretty interesting and I had mistaken the initial teaser for Bard with Ao Shin. My question is do you guys think he'll be next, or at least soon? I remember reading that Riot said something along the lines of planing to release him in 2015.
  • Answers (4)

    utopus (313) | March 3, 2015 11:27am
    -Riot, 2013
    PsiGuard (1495) | March 9, 2015 10:19am
    They won't release him until they're satisfied. The last time they pushed out a half-baked champion because a deadline was Quinn and look how she turned out. :/

    This is why they shouldn't tease champions until they're close to being done. Ao Shin probably ran into some issues during development and got postponed or is still being worked on.
    R3dSquirrel (7) | March 3, 2015 11:11pm
    A lot thought they were releasing Ao Shin, when truthfully that teaser didn't even fit Ao Shin. When they will release him is impossible to say, unless you are friends with someone in the team that develops him. With Azir they said a few months prior that they think the idea behind Sandmage is worth working with but it didnt sound like they would release him soon. They did mention Ao Shin in a Reddit Post some time ago as well, but I doubt he will come soon, if he comes 2015 probably not before fall. Plus they release a lot of amazing champs the past few months and I prefer Bard over Ao Shin anytime.
    League of Mike (5) | March 9, 2015 10:17am
    I think he was unofficially canceled.
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