is fizz good for low elo ?, i'm level 17
Asked by ahmed_lotfy on January 16, 2021
I'm new to lol ( level 17 currently ) I want a midlaner who's easy to use I tried anivia, it was only good on 1v1. in the late game I couldn't do anything with it, I tried Samira and it was also very hard to use.
Fizz is pretty good against unexperienced players as you roam can more around the map and snowball harder. Fizz is a fun champ (At least in my opinion) and is pretty easy to pick up. However, he has an extremely high skill ceiling and is hard to master. The champs you tried (Samira/Anivia) are very hard to play for a beginner. Fizz is probably an easier champ to help you learn the mid lane. PLaying Fizz is great at teaching you how to trade in lane and how to assassinate backline carries in teamfights. These skills can easily transfer over into harder champs like Zed and Qiyana. There are some pretty neat guides for Fizz here on Mobafire that you can read. r/FizzMains and the Fizz Mains discord are filled with super nice people who will happily answer any questions you have about the champ!
dont play Yasuo!!