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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Is Twitch adc worth playing?

Posted in Champions | Tags: Twitch 9,104

  • Neegan1

    Is Twitch adc worth playing?

    So there are so many adcs and i only like twitch but i dont see him very high on tier lists
  • Answers (4)

    PsiGuard (1495) | December 12, 2018 2:49am
    He has a respectable win rate and good itemization options. He has some tougher matchups in lane but you can make up for that with skill or by finding picks later in the game even if you fall a little behind early.

    If you love Twitch just play him. Not only is he fine in the current meta, the meta doesn't determine which champs you can play. If you want to succeed with him, just put the time in to practice and learn the matchups.
    Neegan1 | December 12, 2018 5:29am
    Thank you for the answer! I think i'll stick with him then.
    Hamstertamer (74) | December 11, 2018 3:14pm
    Twitch ADC is a very risky pick since there are just so many hard engage supports in this meta. Pyke, Thresh, Alistar, Rakan etc in every game. He has no escape, a rat that gets jumped is a dead rat.

    If you like twitch you can play him jungle.
    Neegan1 | December 12, 2018 5:48am
    Thanks for the answer! I suck so much at jungling i will stick with him adc and with the right support the rat can survive
    DutchWolf114 (10) | December 15, 2018 5:59pm
    What ELO are we talking about here? Bronze/silver/gold he's fine to play imo, matchups matter very little at that level and unless the champ is completely nerfed into oblivion you'll be fine.
    FixMonkeyPlease (2) | December 13, 2018 11:36am
    Twitch is a good adc if you ask me, his stealth allows him to position himself in team fights, and the attack speed buff when coming out of it coupled with Lethal Tempo, you will shred targets during the lategadme, but his early game can be kind of rocky due to risky farming, but the outplays and gang survivability with stealth are very real if you can juke them out.

    Or -and this is what I suggest- start building full tank twitch. I'll be releasing a guide on it soon explaining it in detail.
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