Is WW strong ATM?
Asked by IShouldGetALife on July 17, 2013
I have lots of success when I play
Warwick and everyone tells me he's **** and that I must actually be good to play him currently. Where does
Warwick actually stand in the current meta and if he is unfavourable why?
He does have some pros though: Decent counterganks. Great ganks after 6 if target lane has good followup damage. Extremely hard to peel off. Sustains a lot in teamfights.
I wouldn't recommend him though he's far outclassed by most junglers.
Here is guide of man playing only WW (Hes in Diamond ATM). He literally mastered him, after this guide i found WW much more viable. Check this guide, it is really worth it.
In the end as a jungler with the new meta it may be better to take champs that can put more utility than he can bring to.
I hope my humble opinion will help you a bit.
P.D: He is the champ i used the most when i started, even used my rp to buy him a skin. And knew that he can be really good under a lot of situations. But it will depend a lot on the experience of the other team players with dealing with ww's.