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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Need sevices for guide making

Posted in General | Tags: Quinn 3,468

  • the chaos bringer 00

    Need sevices for guide making

    I would really appreciate it if someone could give me the names of some members that can help me with my guide. What I need specifically?
    • Someone to make for me introductory images for every chapter of my guide just like those in the guide of LaCorpse for Ahri. Of course I will give you the original image you will be using and the text. I would like also (if possible) line dividers with the same color as the images.
    • Someone to review my guide once it is out and make some serious recommendations concerning the way I present my choices.

    Thanks in advance for reading my question and for helping me make my awesome (yet) unpublished Quinn guide even better.
  • Answers (2)

    jhoijhoi (2057) | March 3, 2013 1:33pm
    It's best if you write your guide yourself. You don't want to tether people to your guide; if you don't understand the coding, you will never really be able to update the guide with the same formatting.

    I recommend reading the BBCode Guide and following the Guide Writing articles from there.

    As for banners, check out the Signature & Art forum, and request politely what you'd like done.

    Finally, I can't help but notice that you mention you've played a lot of Quinn in the PBE. The PBE is not a reliable playing field, as your opponents can be literally anyone, but are more than likely not level 30. It is generally advised that you wait a few weeks before making a guide for a new champion.
    the chaos bringer 00 (13) | March 5, 2013 1:01pm
    um i wouldn't buy her in the normal servers if i didn't test her in the normal servers first. How did i do that? easy bro :) tested on a friends acc that instabought her
    astrolia (266) | March 4, 2013 3:13pm
    BS. You are Bronze 3 and you have 0 games played as Quinn on the normal server.
    the chaos bringer 00 (13) | March 4, 2013 5:18am
    I am just not very confident with my skills that's all :) Of course I realize that PBE is not reliable but I think that from playing so many games, I managed to understnd (in general lines) the concept of Quinn. of course now i play in the normal server and things are going just fine with my Quinn gameplay.
    Meiyjhe (539) | March 3, 2013 12:45pm
    It's better to make a thread about this than a question :P

    It is easier to communicate that way.

    Anyway, there are a lot of sign shops that are also okay with making banners (or as you call them: introductory images).

    Search them on the forums and you will find plenty.

    Same deal with reviews, there are some review shops that really give in-depth reviews, you might want to look there.

    Basically, search the forums for everything :P

    PS: Please, do not make a Quinn guide unless you really understand the champion, which is doubtful, since she is only launched like 3 days ago.
    Meiyjhe (539) | March 3, 2013 1:11pm
    You can do whatever you want :P

    If you believe you totally understand Quinn, go ahead make a guide. If it is good, I might even support you with it :D
    the chaos bringer 00 (13) | March 3, 2013 1:03pm
    I have numerous games in the PBE servers (counting only the ones that no one was trolling) and some more in the normal server. I understand her concept, her kit is more close to one of a duelist than one of an ADC, and remember to check my guide out, to see the gameplay chapters I've created. :)
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