League of Legends (LoL) Question: new elo ,hack"?
Posted in General 8,655
new elo ,hack"?
is the stuff that athene says [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZaPPs2QUdU
]here[/url] true? (and why does the url masking not work? :D)
]here[/url] true? (and why does the url masking not work? :D)
Truth is you can't.
So it's best to be working harder to improve for climbing elo.
*imaginary +1 since voting is broken*
And url masking doesn't work for questions, only for blogs, forums, and guides.
However, I do realize the benefit of playing your preferred role having a higher win-rate, but you should come into ranked queues knowing at least 2-3 champions in each role just in case you do happen to be forced into playing that role. I have played many games myself in ranked and I definitely have played each role a minimum of 7-8 times our of 54 games.
I realize that all that Athene is saying is correct, but it will only make the ranked atmosphere so much worse because people get frustrated when they have to sit through four queues. Riot did the LP reduction for dodging with a purpose not for people to abuse having 0 LP.
TL;DR: Dodging should not be the answer to not getting your preferred role.