League of Legends (LoL) Question: Position in teamfights
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Position in teamfights
Helly everyone :)
yesterday I played as fed jinx (I was like 13/2)
The enemy team had panth top, mumu jungle, veigar mid, varus and bard bot.
We had trundle, nunu, wukuong, jinx (me) and blitzcrank.
We horribly lost the teamfights.
Blitzcrank, Wukong and trundle were tanky and just jumped on veigar or on varus, while i was pretty alone.
Jinx isnt very mobile, so panth and mumu could easily jumped on me.
My question is: Isnt it better when blitzcrank and/or trundle, wukong are protecting the adc ?
I have to say, I am not that bad as adc, but my positioning in teamfights sometimes sucks...
(Sorry for bad english, it isnt my mother tongue.)
yesterday I played as fed jinx (I was like 13/2)
The enemy team had panth top, mumu jungle, veigar mid, varus and bard bot.
We had trundle, nunu, wukuong, jinx (me) and blitzcrank.
We horribly lost the teamfights.
Blitzcrank, Wukong and trundle were tanky and just jumped on veigar or on varus, while i was pretty alone.
Jinx isnt very mobile, so panth and mumu could easily jumped on me.
My question is: Isnt it better when blitzcrank and/or trundle, wukong are protecting the adc ?
I have to say, I am not that bad as adc, but my positioning in teamfights sometimes sucks...
(Sorry for bad english, it isnt my mother tongue.)
General advice is that you just have to wait until for the major CC threats to be gone, within a reasonable range that you can still re-engage. A good example is that if someone like
You should also learn how to kite.
I will try to keep that in mind next teamfight :)
This all being taken into consideration your team had great crowd control but a lack of any direct heals/or/shields to keep you safe. Ideally
Please note however that the problem could have been in the itemization of your allies or support (Mikaels would have worked wonders against their team).
It didnt worked that match, but we will try to get better teamcomps and I will try to position myself better...
Thank you !
First, consider this: you can't correct others mistakes. If your support decide to leave you alone, deal with it. The first thing you have to realise to get better, is that you can't trade or change your teamates. Instead, try to question yourself on what you could have personally modify during that game to have a better performance.
From another perspective, maybe your items didn't help you either. Qss, is a good item versus heavy cc, but maybe others could have also helped you better.
You could also take a look at the focus you had. Alot of marksmen tend to select an enemy and go for it. But doing that regardless of the enemies movement can lead you into dangerous foes such as
Also, you didn't mention where the teamfights occured. Fighting in an open plain or underneath a turret is completly different.
The next time you play a match in these conditions, try to figure what were your worst decisions.
Lastly, don't be afraid to write what is your mother tongue. (I could have answered in french or spanish).
Have a nice day ^^
I think I had qss that match, but I cant remember anymore :D
I know, I am working on my position and on my decision making.
I am the shotcaller when we play teamrankeds and I am doing pretty well (In my opinion xD)
I always try to hit the nearest enemy, but in teamfights it isnt that easy to be always in the right position.
But I love the ADC role so much, I will keep practicing and make my promo with my DuoQ Support :>
Thank you :)
I will try to remember in the next fight xD