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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Real Name : TobiasFoxtrot

Posted in Champions | Tags: Twisted Fate 2,985

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    Real Name : TobiasFoxtrot

    ? how to become the Card Master .
    if your turn to pick as tf ?what/how build as you sure win the game ,
    (o.o) ,
  • Answers (2)

    Nightwalker1 | April 20, 2017 2:13pm
    Skeletestus is kinda right. You are on a Mobafire already. Just find a uikc guide and copy in your games. When you get good, make your own build.
    skelestus (20) | April 15, 2017 5:34am
    If you need help on how to play as Twisted Fate, you should look at Twisted Fate guides since you're already on MobaFire. Here's a link to the most popular Twisted Fate guide:
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