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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Recommended items in guides


  • Metallichydra

    Recommended items in guides

    I was looking at one of my old unfinished guide drafts on mobafire, and found that there was a section called "recommended items" that I had not made. Going to edit mode proved that I could not change it. How did it come there? How do I change it? Or is it some new automatic feature?
  • Answers (2)

    Katasandra (101) | September 2, 2021 5:20am
    Do you mean the "Recommended items" block between the runes and the items part of the cheat sheet?
    If yes, then you can control what is shown by checking the "Preview Build" box in the Items part of the Build Options of the editor.

    You'll notice that you cannot uncheck that box, but can only switch it between item sets. But no worries, if you delete the item set that is currently set as the preview build, you can get rid of it.

    So the best way to get rid of it altogether is creating a new item set, setting that as a preview build and then immediately deleting it. This way you don't have to replace items/notes.
    Alks (1) | December 14, 2021 11:58am
    Im still confused on how to select the recommended items so it shows on the guild? Where is it in the editing? Preview only shows you what you put in the build as a page. I can't preview something i have no idea how to add xD
    Katasandra (101) | December 15, 2021 7:26am
    If you go to the "Build options" interface, select "Items" you should see an unticked box called "Preview Build" right next to the thrashcan icon of the item sets. If you check that box then the items in that set will show up as the recommended build.

    It has nothing to do with the option of previewing your guide.
    Michael J Hanson | January 26, 2022 11:53am
    Thx for answers. i was also looking for clues on this question
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