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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Should I main multi styles of a role?

Posted in General | Tags: Leona Nami Zyra 3,165

  • Molses

    Should I main multi styles of a role?

    So we all know the advice that is to main two to three champions for your main role (and two for the second?), but should we main different styles like One tank, one enchanter, one mage for support or we should choose champions by comfort or personal tendencies?
  • Answers (2)

    xblademojo (2) | May 29, 2022 9:18am
    Hey @ Molses !

    Everything starts with your goal for the game, is it fun experience only? If your goal would be to become better player and focus strictly on growing then;

    1. 2 Champions Each Role Max, Possibly Different Playstyles / Types that you could answer to uncomfortable Matchups.

    An example for a Mid would be; Let's say you are a Zed OTP (One trick Pony) but your team doesn't like being full AD, then you could consider working on FIzz which playstyle would be Similar and still would fit your playstyle and your team composition (AP / AD).

    Of course Working on a one Control Mage would be okay too as a 3th Champion.

    But each champions Takes time and practice for you to automatize their mechanics and how to play him, that's why too many champions at once would distract you from other factors like
    1. Map Awareness
    2. Jungle Tracking
    3. Roam Timers

    It's highly recommened to focus strictly on 1/2 Champions for the best growth, aswell don't be afraid to dodge.

    I would really recommend still focusing only on ONE ROLE, with 2 Champions and 1 Champion for the OTHER role.

    Katasandra (101) | May 15, 2022 1:21am
    In a way, maining different classes gives you a lot more versatility, and allows you to pick more matchup/comp dependant. However, you'll probably end up having more fun/playing better on a champ that you like, or is comfortable. I'd say that you at least need to kinda like the champ you're playing, otherwise it's just a disaster.
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