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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Should i play Thresh in low elo?

Posted in Champions | Tags: Thresh 7,171

  • FoxxyHere

    Should i play Thresh in low elo?

    Hi im begineer in lol so im just asking if i can do something with thresh im S3.
    And 1 more thing can i carry ( or atleast win) if i go soloQ with thresh. I always get some bad adc so thats it thanks for all answers!
  • Answers (4)

    Orange NA | July 12, 2017 2:10am
    Of course you should play Thresh in lower elo, 80% of the time the opposing bot lane doesn't know what to do against a decent thresh. If your ad is bad just tell them to play safe, wait for your jungler to come or for your ad to have an item.
    FoxxyHere (1) | July 17, 2017 9:06am
    ook thx :D
    nvedo | August 2, 2017 11:06am
    I think you should try it, if you don't feel confident to play with him try it on some normal games to catch the mechanics than go on ranked.

    In my opinion thresh is one of the best suport of the game and when a good thresh play he can easily carry the game,like giving ''free''/ easy kills to adc, roaming mid to get more kills/assist.

    So,again, yes you should try him
    FoxxyHere (1) | August 6, 2017 12:12pm
    Ok :)
    Fluddah | July 20, 2017 10:14am
    Hell yeah play thresh ive seen people climb out of bronze with thresh so you can prob get to atleast gold with it
    FoxxyHere (1) | July 21, 2017 6:14am
    Ok thanks :D
    DrTrax (1) | July 5, 2017 1:10am
    hello Foxxy,
    1. if you main Thresh you can carry a game and yes you can claim to diamond whit him (check Bunnyfufu on twitch or youtube etc)

    2. in low elo (under gold 2) i found lot more easy to carry the game on blitz just hook someone in you team (ex. Tanks/bruiser) an it is a 5v4 late game.

    3. don t say i always get some bad adcs (even if it the true i get some adc to there drive a leona / draven full HP give draven FB and and and lool) but for you just keep in mind my adc is not a bad one, i have just to play better to give him more easy kills and if you adc is 0/10/0 just roam try to help out in mid or top lane.

    **don t stress you self out if you adc is a bad one, welcome in the bonus mode you just unlock the hardcore mode in this game**
    FoxxyHere (1) | July 18, 2017 7:50am
    Um yeah but if ill play blitz till gold then ill be bad with thresh because i wont have any skill and practise? Sorry if its a dope question :D
    FoxxyHere (1) | July 17, 2017 8:12am
    ok thanks for answer!
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