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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Skins

Tags: Lux 4,147

  • XayyIsRight


    In this patch 8.5 is said that Mythic and Ultimate Skins dont cost orange essence when they are droppped. But i already have an Ultimate skin (Elementalist Lux) i have to use orange essence on it?
    If so i want to not use essences on it.
    Here's proof.
  • Answers (2)

    PsiGuard (1495) | March 21, 2018 2:09am
    The changes only apply to shards you gain after the patch. I have a Soulstealer Vayne shard on my smurf and will have to pay essence to unlock the skin. Unfortunately you'll have to get enough orange essence if you want Elementalist Lux . If you get mythic/ultimate shards in the future, they'll automatically become Permanents and unlock the skin.
    Molecool | March 18, 2018 7:01pm
    I'm not exactly sure but I thought it meant new drops will be auto-redeeming. Anything you already had will need to be redeemed with essence, but if you get a new one after the patch it will redeem itself. The way you phrased that makes it seem like you had that before the patch. If not, then I have no idea. Good luck!
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