League of Legends (LoL) Question: Taric
Posted in General | Tags: Taric 3,962
hi there another question on how to build a champion, this time taric. right now i am running 0/30/0 masteries and armor reds, armor yellows, magicres blues and ms quints. as for items i usually go with ninja tabi, ruby sightstone, face of the mountain, iceborn gauntlet, spirit visage and randuins. skill order is r>w>e>q. what do you think about this? especially about the runes, i am thinkin about getting health quints, are those better than ms?
Considering items:
- Replace Ninja Tabi with Mobility Boots.
- I'd say Frozen Heart > Randuin's Omen, although Randuin's Omen isn't bad to get either. Frozen Heart's CDR works amazing with Taric's reworked passive.
- Iceborn Gauntlet could be replaced with Guardian Angel as you're going over the CDR cap if taking Frozen Heart instead of Randuin's Omen.
Considering masteries:
I usually run 0/21/9 on a tanky support. For Taric's defensive tree I'd definitely recommend to take full points in Hardiness , Perseverance and Legendary Guardian , or 3 points in Legendary Guardian and one point in Second Wind. For the utility tree I'd get Culinary Master and full points in Summoner's Insight and Meditation .
Skill order is correct.
Hope this helped! :3