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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Unable to verify?

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    Unable to verify?

    Am trying to verify, have done the process about 50 times and nothing is changing. Switched from my ad-blocker browser to the default edge browser to see if it would help. Nothing has changed having done this, so now I am stuck on what to do?
  • Answers (4)

    irelia support | January 25, 2022 6:43am
    Try making sure you don't have a VPN on at all, my school WiFi has one built in so I have to use data there. Try using the verification link in a browser you already logged into mobafire on or try the opposite and try opening it in incognito on a clean slate.
    softview | January 21, 2022 5:57am
    I have the same issue. I'm from Romania and I don't have a VPN changer. Any way to solve this? Maybe I can send photos/videos of me logging in with the mobafire account on background?
    franciszekzaj | January 14, 2022 3:46am
    Hello. If you have a problem with verification, I would advise you to try using vpn, because verification may not come, because the service is not supported in your country. Or maybe you should just check the Spam or All Mail folder in the mail. I hope my answer helped you.
    Hades4u (559) | January 14, 2022 2:31am

    Can you please log into your account so we may check what's the problem specifically?
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