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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Varus ADC?

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    Varus ADC?

    Is a varus good choice for adc or just stick in mid with him? And which is better ad or ap varus?
  • Answers (2)

    Kylito | September 2, 2016 8:04am
    I play him AD bot and usually love it. Great with Thresh, Braum, Morg. Max Q and cap *****es
    cronokidd313 | August 31, 2016 7:09am
    Yes and no. yes because he has great poke and if you can land skillshots he can surprise people with the dmg he does early game. Plus because he is not common he is a great pocket pick to catch people that don't know the matchup well. No because he kinda falls off late game. His ult can actually be missed if someone is on top of you face to face like rengar. there better picks bot via Ashe, Ezreal, Cait that does his job better right now. if I had a choice id play him mid over bot. and AD is better than AP in my opinion
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