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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Viktor and his E


  • Remmehkube

    Viktor and his E

    Hey everyone,

    This is kind of an stupid question but here go's anyway.

    Lately I have been playing Viktor more and more and when you survive early lane and are able to farm up to 1250 gold he is kind of an beast, which is why I want to get better at him so I have something cooler then my regular Xerath and Ziggs mid champs.

    I heard there were about a handful of champions were you dont want quickcast active (or viceversa, I cant remember) and Viktor is one of these as casting his E can go really wrong at times.

    So I went into an custom game, turned the quick cast with indicator off, and noticed no difrence at all.
    It still messes up sometimes and casts the lazer the wrong way entirely.

    -Can someone explain to me what I am doing wrong?
    -What is suposed to be difrent?
    -How much more easier does the quickcast change make Viktor?
    -And should it be noticeable or is it possible that I did it the right way but the difrence is simply not THAT difrent?

    Cause in all honesty I noticed no difrence when I turned the quick cast thingy on or off.

    Please keep in mind that I havent been playing for THAT long, so this question is a little dumb, but I have an excuse! :p
  • Answers (2)

    BIG DADDY WILL (16) | July 29, 2018 10:27am
    The difference between both casts is an extra mouse click. In smart cast your starting point is processed based on your cursor's hovering location, whereas in normal cast your starting point is processed by a mouse click to designate the location. It is to my understanding quick cast makes your combo quicker, while normal cast is easier to control as there is an additional action to process information.

    There isn't enough information to pin-point your mistake. Perhaps you are clicking Viktor's ability to early/late resulting in the ability's starting point being processed inaccurately. Perhaps your follow through in your mouse drag is poor resulting in the ability's ending point being processed inaccurately. If you are not careful these flaws can impact the direction and angle of your skill-shot.
    Hamstertamer (74) | July 29, 2018 4:58am
    With quickcast, you press E to choose the starting point, hold it to choose the direction, and release it when set. It's as natural as it gets. Never had any problem with aiming Viktor's quickcast E.
    Remmehkube (8) | July 29, 2018 6:30am
    No offence, but this doesnt answer any of these questions that I asked about;
    -Can someone explain to me what I am doing wrong?
    -What is suposed to be difrent?
    -How much more easier does the quickcast change make Viktor?
    -And should it be noticeable or is it possible that I did it the right way but the difrence is simply not THAT difrent?

    again, no offence.. Good that it works fine for you, but that doesnt solve my problem nor is it an answer to my question.
    PsiGuard (1495) | July 29, 2018 2:32pm
    Hamstertamer explained how it's supposed to work. We can't really see what you're doing wrong without a video or more precise description of how you cast the ability.

    If it's casting in the wrong direction sometimes, the cause could be anything from a bug to a misunderstanding of how the ability casts.

    If you own Rumble, maybe try the same thing in a practice game with The Equalizer and see if you can cast it where you want it every time. They function the same way.
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