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League of Legends (LoL) Question: what attack combo should i use that is best for annie?

Posted in Champions | Tags: Annie 5,298

  • akko voisin

    what attack combo should i use that is best for annie?

    what attack combo should i use that is best for Annie when playing a game?
  • Answers (1)

    BraveFlowerIV | July 10, 2018 3:58am
    If it's a champ with low mobility (Lux, TF,...) start with R then W - Q.
    If it's a champ with high mobility (Zed, Leblanc,...) start with Q with stun up to guarantee the cc, then ult and W.
    use your ignite too if you took it as summoner spell + electrocute rune is good with annie
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