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League of Legends (LoL) Question: What is sieging?

Posted in General | Tags: Divine Sunderer Wukong 3,308

  • dgsl

    What is sieging?

    I was reading Chimp's guide to wukong and he said that Divine Sunderer is good for sieging, but I dont know what sieging is. Do you guys know?
  • Answers (1)

    Hades4u (558) | May 26, 2021 5:58am
    Sieging refers to destroying enemy structures (towers, inhibitors, nexus). In Wukong's case with Divine Sunderer, I believe they mean that you can always use the item's passive bonus damage to poke enemy structures safely and take them down quickly.

    The bonus damage from Divine Sunderer goes together nicely with Crushing Blow. This results in a lot of damage and the quick destruction of enemy buildings. 😁
    dgsl (1) | May 27, 2021 6:09am
    Oh, of course, makes sense. Thanks Hades, for always being helpful! :D
    Hades4u (558) | May 27, 2021 7:40am
    Happy to help, good luck in your matches! :D
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