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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Why can't a member of my team not join the team i made on mobafire ?

Posted in Teams | Tags: Blade of the Ruined Jarvan IV 3,174

  • DragonMaverick

    Why can't a member of my team not join the team i made on mobafire ?

    Hey guys/girls

    A team-member of my called RifleNL ( he mad a account on this site with zilean logo ).
    He can't join my team called Lopsided Exiles Wind.
    And we need him to join cause he is in our line-up and in the line-up for the upcoming tournament 04-01-2015!.
    Could u please fixe this for us cause we tried with several accounts to invite him but it wont work..

    Thanks for your time!

    aka : Danny Vlug

    Team Captain Lopsided Exiles Wind
  • Answers (1)

    Vynertje (386) | January 1, 2015 8:43am
    Not an expert on this, but could it be because you already have 5 members in your roster?
    Shaldares | January 12, 2015 11:23pm
    I doubt that's the case. From what I understand, you're supposed to have your entire team roster, including subs, register with your team on mobafire when registering for the tournaments. I would love to have an official answer on this, though, as I don't honestly know that much about it either.
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