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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Why my guide got deleted after logging in?

Posted in General 1,480

  • Pandzioka123

    Why my guide got deleted after logging in?

    I was creating a guide for vladimir. I basicly spend like 30 mins on the page and i noticed that i should log in to save the guide. Just to make sure i pressed save button and after logging in everything got erased. What should i do?
  • Answers (3)

    PsiGuard (1495) | August 28, 2018 3:06pm
    Logging in reloads the page, so you wouldn't be able to keep working on the same guide if you created it as a guest and then logged in to your account.

    I don't think there's any way for me to recover your guide unless you fully published it as a guest. If you did publish it, then link me the guide or tell me the title and I can try and find it. However it sounds like you might have to start over, sorry. :(
    shadowolfgirl (23) | August 29, 2018 7:34pm
    that's an unfortunate thing i hope you make a really good guide as a come back <3 <3
    Already +1 for just being here <3 ;P
    Dzopilant (55) | August 29, 2018 6:51pm
    For the future I advise to :
    1) Open a second window and connect there while first window with all your work is still open.
    2) Go back to the first window with your work then click save.

    Beyond :
    Saving all your work from time to time in a word file may be a good idea too (many times it did allow me to come back to previous versions after so many mistakes I was unable to correct them anymore)
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