League of Legends (LoL) Question: Zephyr Or Phantom Dancer?
Posted in Items | Tags: Phantom Dancer Zephyr 6,919
Zephyr Or Phantom Dancer?
So the Tenacity on Zephyr is a really important thing not to pass up, but Phantom Dancer packs better stats! Which do I take (for given circumstances) and for what reasons?
Shiv seems like a solid substitute for PD, I agree. Little less single-target damage, but you get a crittable chain lightening effect instead.
but i would say zephyr for most cases, expecially if the enemy has extreme ammounts of cc, then tenacity is important. and it also depends in ur build, if ur going for crit strike, definitely go pd, but other wise zephyr would be better. they both give same attack speed, while zephyr gives tenacity, cd red, and more movement speed. so final conclusion........ pd for crit, zephyr for practically everything else.