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MOBAFire Points Leaderboard

Rank Mobafire Member Monthly Points
181 quinn adc 46
182 TnDD 46
183 Twogrand 46
184 VenixFiriurx 46
185 Anguish333 45
186 orka4.sandraj 45
187 Roya1_RTX_PR0 45
188 basrty1p 44
189 Belle19 44
190 BlueBolt313 44
191 Ceru 44
192 desch3445 44
194 El DoblaS 44
195 Erknaite 44
196 Faz18835 44
197 FunnyBunnyH 44
198 Halfhand 44
199 IM_THIS_GUY 44
200 Liluu 44

League of Legends Champions:

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