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MOBAFire Points Leaderboard

Rank Mobafire Member Monthly Points
782 Shatay 12
783 Shira Aisu 12
784 Shuuna 12
786 SkyaMalone 12
787 Spize 12
788 StoqnS14 12
789 tatsumakiiy 12
790 Tudes 12
791 Usernamussy 12
792 VakiVr 12
793 victus6060 12
794 Volterei 12
795 Vraca bogove 12
796 WaldNGNL 12
797 Xriss_Xross 12
798 ZaddyRobbie 12
799 BY GUEST 11
800 CaoToan 11

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide