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MOBAFire Points Leaderboard

Rank Mobafire Member Monthly Points
101 SeMike 64
102 FloFuego 62
103 JusTFranK 62
104 kogarashii 62
105 Sebetai 62
106 imStorm3r 60
107 Jovy 60
108 L0ganJG 60
109 Lehm4nn 60
110 Onor3x 60
111 SerenScarlett 60
112 Smudey 60
113 BananaReaper 58
114 Eagzey 58
115 Hazardist 58
116 MhmYepSope 58
117 support_diff 58
119 CC IMMUNE 56

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide