Strong 1vs1 and decent teamfights champions with high carry potential
Also good champs to abuse for League Points
B Tier
C Tier
Strong 1vs1 and decent teamfights champions with high carry potential
Also good champs to abuse for League Points
B Tier
C Tier
Kayle: Will get stomped early and snowball the enemy laner, their farm will probably be poor making it even harder for them to scale. It will take a while longer for her to be strong.
Camille: She takes a decent amount of skill (Probably around the same to learn as Fiora, basics wise.) In addition to that, she gets countered by a lot of your high tier picks. (Poppy, Fiora, Shen, Darius, Renek.)
I was wondering about Fiora...
Isn't she one of the top split-pushers/1vs1'ers in the top lane? I know she's less tank-oriented than a lot of other top laners but I was just curious.
Good luck on the rift!
Talon top is actually played in high elos quite a bit.
Talon top has the same pick rate as Tryndamere or Mundo
I actually rerolled 3 skins and got a legendary skin for Jax and since then I wanted to learn how to Jax... So, sharing some tips about your personal favorite top (and potentially jungler) would be helpful and I will be truly grateful :>
I wish I can take Kayle to S... kinda impossible....
Anyways, good luck :>
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But I'm just wondering why Vayne and Wukong are not on the top, since they have very good laning and if fed, they just destroy everything.
Vayne isnt higher because it more like AD Carry than real Top Laner however she still can be played on top lane. Also playing Vayne top depends on match up for example if enemy got few tanks for example Maokai top Sejuani jungle and Galio mid then Vayne top is a thing.