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[11.14] DatKawaiiBunny's Support Tier List!! Patch 11.16

DatKawaiiBunny's Tier List DatKawaiiBunny's Tier List
Last updated on August 16, 2021
3501 7
2 Votes
New Tier List


My opinions about supports!! These are based on the supports I play against and my ranked elo!

Pretty simple. Strong picks are the best, not the best picks are bad, and whatever is in the middle is not bad!! :D

Strong Picks!

Tier Description


Good picks!

Tier Description


Decent picks

Tier Description


kind of bad...

Random supports I was up against :^)


Haven't seen in a bit!

Tier Description

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IIGoTII (3) | August 24, 2021 3:00am
I think you should switch xerath with brand / and the entire tier 4 with tier 5 .
That's just my opinion .
Karinutsa (86) | September 9, 2021 5:55am
I think so too.
They were not seen in a while, but they are better than the Tier 4 champs.
TheImmortalEye (15) | July 14, 2021 2:23am
can taliyah join the havent seen, its rare but a lot of taliyah mains who dont wanna jungle have switched to adc and support and shes honestly quite good like a ranged pantheon, shes just matchupdependent as shes a bad blindpick. its just her playrate is low in general.
DatKawaiiBunny (8) | August 16, 2021 6:36am
yeah! I miss Taliyah support. I had one a few months ago and she was lovely <3
FlyingWailord (8) | March 2, 2020 4:53pm
Nice tier list!
ThePandaEvan (17) | March 2, 2020 4:27pm
Did you forget Bard?
DatKawaiiBunny (8) | March 3, 2020 3:22pm
Oh, I did. Thanks for telling me!
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