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[9.1] Top junglers Patch 9.1

lucario200151's Tier List lucario200151's Tier List
Last updated on January 23, 2019
6866 15
7 Votes


Riot games forced a meta where the junglers had to contest the objectives through meeting up, making tanks less effective. To balance it out(and to make gold funneling weaker), they have nerfed jungle items early, giving tanks more of a chance.

best tier

ordered from best to worst


tier 1.5

ordered from best to worst


tier 2

ordered from best to worst


tier 3

Tier Description


lowest tier

Tier Description

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PhantomGG (1) | January 24, 2019 7:22am
I like most this list, but as a former warick jg main and someone who is friends with much higher elo warick mains, we all agreed that warwick has been in a very lack luster spot for the past few patches, would personally place him in tier two or even three
Unzaki | January 23, 2019 6:19pm
The only unfortunate thing is once 9.2 hits, jungle in general is supposed to take a fair bit of nerf, so likely some of this might change before long.
lucario200151 | January 23, 2019 6:24pm
true... will try and update as soon as I see how things are going
lucario200151 | June 24, 2018 8:13am
for anyone wondering, I take these tier rankings based off of looking at, and then my experiences... If someone disagrees and stands a good point, I will move my tier list accordingly. I am very flexible with where the champs fall in the tier list
hadbre (12) | June 24, 2018 7:58am
In my opinion Evelynn and Warwick should be in tier 2. And also, dude Xin and Graves are 2 most op junglers (by Korean challengers, and i think that that's a good indicator that they are really good). Nocturne is also very good; he can 1v1 almost all, if not all other junglers early, he has ok sustain in jg, and fine clear, and his ult creates a lot of pressure (you activate it to gank top, but it makes their whole team back off => they lose cs, maybe a little xp, potential fight, and also lack of vision is really good) + ganks with his ult are unfair. And with Hecarim my record is 8 wins in a row, so I think he is really good as well, and i want to play right now, if you want to know why also i think he's good tell me :)
lucario200151 | June 24, 2018 8:10am
I can see why all of these champs are good, and I feel that maybe I put Nocturne, Hecarim, and Graves too low on my tier list... I don't personally see why Graves is so good, so I will put him in tier 2. Hecarim I feel should be tier 3, because usually, the Hecarims that do good seem to have lots of experience on Hecarim. I never see someone who is new to Hecarim try him out like they do these other champs(Yi). Nocturne I feel has been up and coming, so I haven't seen him much, so I was just putting him in a tier based off of past experience... now seeing waht you are saying, I feel that he should be in tier 1. Warwick is just my personal favorite jungler, and just like you, I have good win rates with him, but I can see why he is not so good, so I feel that after re looking at it (and getting over that Warwick is my favorite jungler), he should go to tier 2. Basicly the same with Evelynn(tier 2)
lucario200151 | June 24, 2018 8:15am
I forget to mention Xin, and I feel that the same thing as Graves, where I dont really see him as good as some of the tier 1 junglers... thinking about making a tier 1.5 that includes these junglers that aren't tier 1 or tier 2(graves, Xin, maybe Nocturne)
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attackdmg | June 22, 2018 8:15am
Why there is no Vi? What's wrong with her?
lucario200151 | June 22, 2018 10:41am
oh lol sorry she will go into tier 2... tell me if im wrong. definitly not tier 1
Ferredejong | June 22, 2018 1:30am
looks good, but Lee Sin should be higher in my opinion
lucario200151 | June 22, 2018 7:21am
I would agree. I think I was just not thinking about how good he is currently and he does pretty good every time.
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