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| Accurate tierlist for solo/duo and competitiv | all champions Patch 10.22

bin kein roboter's Tier List bin kein roboter's Tier List
Last updated on October 31, 2020
13111 31
17 Votes


You can use this tierlist for either solo/duo ranked and competitiv. All champions included, and if a champion isnt at the right place, write a comment and i will maybe change the place of a champ.

top tier

At the moment the best picks on their role and will pop off no matter what


good champs

Pretty good champs, but all of them have a counter pick that will wreck them and make these champs useless for the first 25 minutes


ok champs

You can play them, they are not op but not really weak. Its a 50 50 chance to win with one of these


bad champs

You should not play them. Only if you are an onetrick. 


pls dont play them in my games (really bad)

Just stay away from these. You will lose with picking them.


a tree

A tree doing tree things

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TheInkKingLoL (43) | October 30, 2020 10:06pm
Well done on the tier list (even though it's no longer updated)
I also agree with Tier 5. In solo queue Azir is really a terrible champion with very little escape and very weak 1v1 ability. While he is played in pro play, it is more because of the high skill level of the players and the teamwork ability. With Anivia she's just a weak solo queue champion considering teams won't always play around their teammates champions so yeah she deserves to be there as well.
bin kein roboter (2) | October 31, 2020 11:09am
Thank you so much for your detailed feedback, i will update it today or tomorrow.
Doody_tco (26) | October 30, 2020 9:48pm
Those are interesting tiers, I will make sure to use it as a reference in future games
I do not play any of the top tier champions, but I know how broken they are...
The greatest tier is "A Tree" xD indeed a tree will always do tree things xD They should do something about this champion, no one plays him and I feel so bad about him...
Anyway, good luck :>
TheInkKingLoL (43) | October 30, 2020 10:04pm
Honestly this probably isn't an updated tier list since it's patch 10.18 as it's most recent update, so some of the tiers are probably inaccurate, so I would not suggest following everything found here.

Though yes I agree with you on the tree tier lol, it is very true.
SELORONIOS (118) | September 9, 2020 10:39am
hmm, Shen got a nerf and Caitlyn is going to be nerfed too (they say someone who is so strong late game shouldn't also be so strong in early game. But she's already not so strong in mid game, I hope they won't nerf her early game much).
and that tree seems to be getting a good buff in Worlds patch (10.19). He'll be more than just a tree.
plus, I don't know those 2 are in T5 are there because they're bad or you don't like them...

Sona and Xin Zhao deserve a better place. Xin Zhao got buffed recently and Sona is still strong despite her recent nerf (people were spamming Sona and Lux combo so I think it was a good decision to nerf them both).

Camille has stablished a really good position for herself in both Low elo and High elo. She's a beast in low elo and pretty good in high elo. (I mean, Gragas and Dr. Mundo are above him in this tier...)

Sett, Senna and Volibear have been nerfed to death. Specially Sett. His last nerf made him go for more AD than Tanky items and he is less tankier now. He's still good in low elo tho but can't have the same carry potential. (a nerf is coming for Twisted Fate as well. And Aphelios is getting a buff in next patch, he may become OP again)

sorry if It's long. I just saw that you've put so much effort in this and kinda wanted to help. It's your personal thoughts and I can respect that (as these are my personal thoughts plus a little data)

good luck and have fun!
bin kein roboter (2) | September 10, 2020 7:46am
Now i also want to reply to some points u made.
I just checked it and shens winrate hasn´t changed so far at all and caitlyn´s dropped but i think it has more to do with the enormous banrate spike that makes practising her or maining her really hard for the time being.

You mentioned the tree which was in his own tier so far which i wil probaply have to let there until we see more of him because i think it is very hard to compare him with other champions because of his playstyle and i dont know if im able to rate him properly.

Sona, about her you are completly right and i just forgot her power because of her incredibly low pickratio.

Xin zhao also deserves a place in the mid tier.

The thing with Camille is that she pretty much must be onetricked to be a decent champion which i dont quite know how to handle, thats why i think a place in midtier is reasonable.

You are also mostly right about Sett, Senna and Volibear though i think they still do their job as expected and can be flexed.

If you think other wise in any point feel free to correct me or answer again.
SELORONIOS (118) | September 10, 2020 9:23am
Hmm, seems reasonable.
And I just checked the details about patch 10.19. buffs aren't really huge. Shen and Caitlyn are surely still OP. I mean, the nerf on shen wasn't really so big and Caitlyn's AD is changing from 64 to 62 (lol) (but her traps now deal 40 less damage early game)
Senna's waveclear is being nerfed. They're targeting her as ADC.

and the tree is just getting 10% more slow on his E. He will still won't be a good pick for soloq (specially low elo)

you can check the patch notes in here
thank you for considering my notes.
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bin kein roboter (2) | September 10, 2020 7:24am
Thank you so much for this detailed feedback, it really means alot to me. I will carefully think about every point u made and hopefully change my list accordingly. You made good points and nice predictions. Thank you so much for helping me and i hope u have a greate day!
SELORONIOS (118) | September 10, 2020 7:31am
pooploI | February 15, 2020 8:25pm
veigar and nasus S tier?? maybe for bronze lol
bin kein roboter (2) | February 17, 2020 7:03am
true. Thanks for the feedback.
Shacnedo (4) | October 22, 2019 2:03am
Shaco is the best Champ in solo Q because i like him alot.
bin kein roboter (2) | October 22, 2019 4:29am
Sorry, my bad.
Shacnedo (4) | October 22, 2019 4:34am
Ich weiß du bist kein roboter aber Shaco ist doch nicht so schlecht oder?
Überlegs dir doch mal. Liebe Grüße Shacnedo
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nicko9090 | February 4, 2019 1:16pm
Honestly Some champions you listed as bad and should only be played by onetrick are stronger than your higher champion list. You should really review your list my dude, there is a lot of flaw.
bin kein roboter (2) | February 5, 2019 7:40am
Thanks for the feedback, I watch over it now but if it isnt right then just tell me where i messed up.
Debtlock (1) | January 31, 2019 10:22am
First off, you have champs in high tiers that should not be there. for instance, skarner struggles in the late game, with his only job being to0 pull someone in, which requires predator. you put ahri and karthus in S tier when karthus is only strong in the jungle, where he can be easily countered. just because they play him on the pros doesn't mean he's that good. And ahri has unreliable damage and an easy to miss skill shot.
bin kein roboter (2) | February 1, 2019 5:23am
First off thank you for the feedback. Now im going to talk about the champs. I will keep skarner high because he does so good in solo duo q, his late game might bee bad but in low wélo to mid elo that doesnt matter because the carries will run into him and games dont take long usually. Ahri is doing great midlane, based on what ive seen so far but maybe ill think about that and about karthus you are right and i will lower him.
brandonk99 | January 28, 2019 5:55am
man **** you, i've played 5 rounds in this week with hecarim, and only lose 1 because my teammates feed the adc too early,and i always are positive in those rounds, like a 10/3/7 or 11/2/6
bin kein roboter (2) | January 28, 2019 6:06am
brandonk99 wrote:
man **** you, i've played 5 rounds in this week with hecarim, and only lose 1 because my teammates feed the adc too early,and i always are positive in those rounds, like a 10/3/7 or 11/2/6
no need to be that mean! i would like to know your elo too.I dont think heca is good right now but feel free to change my mind
brandonk99 | January 28, 2019 6:48am
oh yeah yeah, i'm from bronze III, i got M7 with hecarim and i play in the brazilian server (sou brasileiro hueuhuehue pau no cu do bolsonaro, lula livre) but i've played with players from silver and gold (wow :o), and i got a nice results with that horse bro, and sorry for the ignorance.
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bin kein roboter (2) | January 28, 2019 6:07am
also 5 games dont say anything about how good a champ is. Bad tiewr still means its possible to win with these
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neptunian | January 27, 2019 3:57pm
u sure about irelia?
bin kein roboter (2) | January 28, 2019 5:29am
neptunian wrote:
u sure about irelia?

not really, i assumed that she os worse now because she isnt played anymore that often. tell me what you think about her
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