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GarnetGaming's Favorite Top-Laners Patch 10.9

BlackRoseGirl's Tier List BlackRoseGirl's Tier List
Last updated on May 7, 2020
4033 19
3 Votes
New Tier List

S tier

Insanely Fun!


A tier

Really Fun!


B tier

Very Fun!


C tier

Kinda Fun!


D tier

Not Very Fun!


f tier

Really Not Fun!

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lemonbellflower (22) | May 7, 2020 4:12pm
You are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT on Dr. Mundo, I honestly can't imagine not having fun in playing him. There's just something about being wild and purple, you really can't go wrong there! I've never personally played Irelia, but I've played alongside her, and WOW she really does look like they're having fun the entire time. I think you could stand to flatten your list, if you feel like it? You have four tiers that are practically empty, of course unless you're still working on it, in which case obi don't listen to me.

Finally, I'm not a huge fan of Darius either, he and Garen are some of my all time least faves. Honestly I find Darius a little scary? I don't like that his whole thing is around bleeding out and being bloody and his ult is literally a guillotine. It unnerves me. Even if I did like his playstyle, I just am not big on his concept, so I feel for you.
BlackRoseGirl (8) | May 10, 2020 4:16pm
yeah. It just feels wierd. The main thing I don't like about him is he takes the fun out of whole games just by being there, it's like if he's on your team, you win. If he's on their team, you lose. And he doesn't fall off late game either. Almost ALL OTHER lane bullies fall off mid and late if they don't get kills or hard win early, and then fall off late no matter what. Darius is strong at EVERY POINT IN THE GAME-even if he feeds early! That just feels unfair.
Wicked Cherry (162) | April 30, 2020 9:15am
You know, I keep thinking since you despise Darius that much, maybe you should just try and learn him? You said yourself that he's somewhat overpowered. Why not use it? It's not like you're a buguser or so. I mean, it's not forbidden to learn a champion that's powerful.

But I'm glad I found Akali on top of your list. :)
Dr. Mundo, Nasus and Tryndamere are the champions I really don't wanna see in my enemy team - ever, if possible. xD They're like the really most annoying late game champions right now. You can't outsustain them and they're too tanky to pretty much kill - unless you have the possibility of a 5v1. But that's somewhat unlikely, so meh.

Cheers, Wicked Cherry. :)
BlackRoseGirl (8) | April 30, 2020 1:38pm
I actually DID try learning Darius once, he was VERY hard for me. I rely a LOT on mobility(and he is very immobile), his voice lines were not helpful to my mood (I do NOT like Noxus), and I was REALLY BAD at him. I'm somewhat uncomfortable playing male characters in the first place, so it generally takes me having a fondness for the character in the first place, like Kled/Draven (who i am aware are both Noxian males as well, but are both REALLY FUNNY and niether of them references Noxus as much as Darius does and when Kled DOES reference Noxus, he speaks about it in a way I'm much more comfortable with) or Jax, who is EXTREMELY fun to play and actually plays (or at least has an item build) similar to Irelia, my main. So basically, I tried Darius and he just didn't do it for me. I MIGHT try him again, but only if he is in free rotation.
Wicked Cherry (162) | May 2, 2020 4:32am
I think you should give him a second chance though. I get that some champions aren't really easy to pick up at first. I had the same problem with Braum when he got released. I liked his kit and I was happy we got a tanky support. But I couldn't find a way to play him and feel good about it at the same time. Then I stepped away from it but once he was free to play, I retried and somehow it seemed like it all fell into place. That was some seasons ago. Now I'm mainly annoyed playing tanky supports. xD So RIP Braum. But you get the point. :) If it doesn't work out for you then, it's fine. I never really liked Thresh because of his sounds. It's like... idk. It's creepy and bewildering at the same time. xD
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SELORONIOS (118) | March 31, 2020 7:32am
poor Darius... btw my fave is Kayle.
BlackRoseGirl (8) | April 10, 2020 3:09pm
I just despise Darius. He has no redeeming traits to me. I don’t like playing against him or playing him, his voice lines put me in a very unhealthy state of mind that I already struggle with regardless of whether or not I play him(or against him), he’s not funny at all, he beats almost every other character in the game at almost every stage of the game, and he just is not a good person. I can respect Darius players, but I have very little tolerance for him as a champion or as a character.
SELORONIOS (118) | April 11, 2020 5:57am
Hmmm... owkay... I don't play with him much (I feel very immobile with him...) but I kinda respect his fighter spirit. The one I don't like is Jax. And I really don't have any reasonable explanation for it. I just don't like him (since the 1st time I saw him. I feel weird about him...)
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