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GarnetGaming's LEAST favorite champions to play against in every role. Patch 10.9

BlackRoseGirl's Tier List BlackRoseGirl's Tier List
Last updated on April 30, 2020
1260 6
4 Votes
New Tier List

Top lane

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mid lane

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I just suck at ADC

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SELORONIOS (118) | May 19, 2020 12:18pm
Hmm, I haven't seen a Caitlyn or Ashe mid but I sometimes play Caitlyn myself. It is actually pretty fun to play while using or . Her early game poke is HIGH and fun. (I've never tried such picks on ranked though)
Wicked Cherry (162) | April 30, 2020 9:08am
Hey BlackRoseGirl,
I like this tier list. I kinda agree with it a lot. xD And I found the hatred for Darius again. You might wanna add Morgana, Nautilus (oh God, he's horrible to play against), Blitzcrank and Pantheon/ Swain to the support section. They're ANNOYING. Oh and please Fiddlesticks to just wherever you can find him. I truly hate him the most right now due to his new passive that creates those wardlike imitations of himself that wander around and even cast fake spells and abilities when enemies are nearby. HORRIBLE!
+1 for you. :]
BlackRoseGirl (8) | April 30, 2020 1:44pm
Thank you, I was looking for more supports to add... I will DEFINITELY add swain and morgana, I DO hate playing against them), I've never SEEN pantheon played support but i will for sure add him(Braum is better at it in support anyways). I have found that Fiddle's rework takes some skill, I haven't had any real trouble against him... Always happy to hear from you. :3
Wicked Cherry (162) | May 2, 2020 4:25am
Sorry to disappoint you but I don't think I can share my experiences here any time soon on Fiddlesticks. He's my number one ban right now and I really don't wanna cringe because he managed to come at me from just anywhere. I seriously don't want to see this scarecrow in my games. I'm not ready for that yet. xD

But sure, I'm happy to help. Glad my suggestions seemed to help you.
BlackRoseGirl (8) | April 30, 2020 1:49pm
I WILL actually add fiddle to the supports tho, that always annoyed me as the ADC.
MR B0lty (2) | April 28, 2020 11:52pm
i actualy agree whit this tier list, good job :)
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